“Tutok” is a dramatic thriller that revolves around the lives of two newsmen, one is an ambitious reporter (portrayed by award winnning actor Emilio Garcia) while the other is a cameraman (played by actor turned producer Allen Dizon). Together, the two men seek instant fame by attempting to cover a story involving rebel leaders. What follows next is a series of events that makes the lives of the two men turn into a nightmare. The two men are forced to participate in homosexual acts and sexual orgies while being filmed by a camera.
“Tutok” comprises a good cast which includes Boots Anson-Roa as the concerned mother, Andrea Del Rosario as the reporter’s understanding wife, Lloyd Samartino as the feisty television head news executive, Victor Aliwalas as a news correspondent and Ian De Leon as the rebel leader. The film also features newcomer Raymond Cabral as one of the rebels who engage in homosexual activities.
“Tutok” comprises a good cast which includes Boots Anson-Roa as the concerned mother, Andrea Del Rosario as the reporter’s understanding wife, Lloyd Samartino as the feisty television head news executive, Victor Aliwalas as a news correspondent and Ian De Leon as the rebel leader. The film also features newcomer Raymond Cabral as one of the rebels who engage in homosexual activities.
Article courtesy of Noypi Tayo
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